Sarah, the founder of a circular economy clothes business, aims to tackle fast fashion waste by making garment swapping effortless. However, the journey to securing investment for expansion is proving to be a super stressful time.

During this intense period, Sarah finds herself battling internal narratives like, “You won’t be able to raise this money”. This self-talk, accompanied by the anxiety she feels, also impacts her behaviour. She’s not as proactive as usual when going after her goals.

It’s natural for our minds to jump to protective conclusions; a throwback to our prehistoric ancestors, hardwired for protection above all. Yet, this instinct can misfire, pulling us away from our core intentions, such as Sarah’s goal to grow her business and have an impact.

Let’s explore the STOP technique, a mindfulness exercise developed by Russ Harris. This simple tool can help Sarah and entrepreneurs like her navigate through their thoughts and feelings to stay aligned with their values.

SSlow Down: Take a moment to breathe deeply, press your feet firmly onto the ground, or gently stretch your body to ease tension.

TTake Note: Observe your current thoughts and the environment around you. Recognising your mental state can help you address it more effectively.

OOpen Up: Allow your emotions to flow without resistance. Acknowledging them can diminish their power over your actions.

PPursue Values: Reflect on what truly matters to you. Ask, “What is beneficial for me right now?” Act on these values, even in small ways, to foster progress towards your goals.

For more mindfulness strategies to enhance your psychological resilience and optimise performance as an entrepreneur, we invite you to join our: For Entrepreneurs breakfast workshop on the first Friday on the month in Fitzroy. The workshops will provide you with additional resources and strategies to effectively manage stress and improve your business performance.

Part of Entrepreneurs Stories—a series exploring common psychological experiences of entrepreneurial life, the cause and useful tools to keep our actions aligned with our values.