Let's make you an effective therapist!

Are you tired of feeling like you’re flying blind in your therapy practice? Do you ever wonder if you’re really helping your clients?

Feedback-Informed Treatment (FIT) and Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) can help you banish imposter syndrome, demonstrate your therapeutic effectiveness, market your practice with authority, substantiate your arguments for extending treatment when necessary, and much, much more.

In this expert-guided program, you’ll learn:

  • What tools to use for ROM
  • How to implement the tools in your practice – solo or group
  • How FIT improves your outcomes
  • How ROM can quickly get you to the heart of the client’s concerns from intake onwards
  • How to use results from these tools to successfully argue for extending treatment when indicated
  • How to use the tools so you can identify which presenting problems you’re most successful with
  • How to choose which clients you should and shouldn’t continue treatment with
  • How to schedule treatment sessions for the most cost-effective use of precious treatment dollars
  • and much, much more!

Many therapists want these benefits, but don’t know where to start or how to implement outcome monitoring or feedback-informed treatment.

Have you found yourself asking these questions:

  • Where do I start?
  • How do I know which measures to use?
  • How much time is this going to add to my week?
  • How can I get help when I get stuck or confused?
  • Will there be a lof statistics and psychometrics to learn?
  • What if my clients don’t want to participate?
  • How will I know I’m on the right track with this?
  • Is it worth the money involved?

When I started using routine outcome monitoring in 2001 and then implemented them in my group practice, I faced all these questions.

Don’t do this on your own and without support!

I’m here to help you because if we work together we can save you a lot of time – and money, sweat and tears – getting FIT and ROM up and running in your practice, so you can start getting the benefits I mentioned above.

I can’t wait to start helping you on your journey.

Click here and I’ll keep you updated on the launch of the program.

Yours, Julian McNally, Counselling Psychologist

P.S. I won’t be spamming you – I don’t have the time! – and you can always opt out.

If you missed it, that form is at https://sendfox.com/actofliving