Have you been affected by the 2019 bushfires? Have you experienced hardship because of them? Many Australians have found it difficult to return to life as normal while dealing with loss of a job or business downturn, relocation due to destruction of property or loss of their home and disruption to their community.
It is quite normal when dealing with a disaster like this, to experience stress, confusion, fear, anger or despair. Some people may suffer with more severe or long-lasting thoughts and feelings than others. Remember everyone goes through this and deals with it differently. Seeking help too early is always better than too late.
Common Reactions
- Finding it difficult to concentrate or make decisions
- Constantly replaying events in your head, imagining “what if?” scenarios
- Disrupted sleep due to bad dreams or lying awake worrying
- Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, tearful or anxious
- Guilt or shame about past actions
- Negative expectations about the future
Trauma responses
- Losing a sense of purpose or self-worth
- Intense emotional distress
- Urges or thoughts of self-harm or that life isn’t worth living
- Avoiding life’s normal demands, excessive drug or alcohol use, needing to distract yourself constantly
- Feeling like you don’t care about yourself or others
- Being scared, jumpy or constantly on alert
- Panicky – episodes of racing heart rate, sweatiness, difficulty breathing, dizziness or fainting – or feeling like you might.
Whatever your response, it can help to talk to someone experienced in helping people get to the other side of these responses. Our psychologists and counsellors are able to provide support and counselling via telehealth (phone or video counselling).
Medicare Rebates
If you have been affected by the 2019 bushfires, no matter where you are in Australia now, you can get up to 10 psychology sessions under Medicare’s Bushfire Recovery Initiative.
You do not need to visit a doctor or get a mental health care plan – you can self-refer. Just contact our staff and let them know you have been affected by the fires and whether you prefer a phone or video appointment. Make sure you have your current Medicare details with you and we will make an appointment for you as soon as you are ready.
Other sources of support
LifeLine: 13 11 14
BeyondBlue: 1300 22 4636
Men’s Line: 1300 78 99 78
If you are in an emergency, call ambulance on 000 or attend your local hospital emergency department – their mental health team can provide assessment and brief intervention in times of mental health crisis.